Tuesday, July 6, 2010

the massachusetts state house

This week, we went to the Massachusetts state house. When I faced the Massachusetts state house, I was shocked. The building is so beautiful. It has golden summit, look first picture. Then we came in the Massachusetts state house.
Firstly, we came Nurses Hall, and saw an effigy about two people. There has a story in this effigy. The effigy antitype is Major General William Francis Bartlett. Major General William Francis Bartlett was a hero to both the North and the South. Named a general at the age of twenty-four, he was wounded four times and lost his left leg in the battle of Yorktown, but continued to lead his troops. After the war, he was asked by both Virginia and Massachusetts to run for office. He refused both offers, and died at the age of thirty-six.
Then we went to House of Representatives, Senate Reception Room and Senate Chamber. Now, I still remember a so big light in Senate Chamber. Marble busts of state and national figures stand in the wall niches. Busts of Presidents Washington and Lincoln are situated behind the Senate President's desk.
Finish this visit, I think the Massachusetts state house is a beautiful building at first. Due too many great people was worked in it. Now, the Massachusetts state house is a great building.

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